Success Tip of the Week
FALL IS THE BEST TIME TO PLANT & SAVE! - If you're ready to do some investing, now's the best time to do it. That's right, fall is thee best time for planting most trees, shrubs, evergreens, and even many perennials. The time's right, and in many cases, so is the price. As plants begin to shut down their 'tops' for the season, it's at this point that their 'bottoms' begin to fire up. More roots are developed during the fall (September, October, November, and possibly into December) than during any other time of the year. By planting now, your new plants begin root development this fall, and are ready to get growing next spring (when they concentrate on flowers and foliage). Planting in the fall is typically easier on the plant (and you), the temperatures are cooler, and it's usually a good time for those natural rainfalls to help in the watering of the new plants. Put all those factors together, and now you can see why fall is the best time to plant! Now, having explained all that, fall is also a time when the kids go back to school, and nighttime activities increase, and football and soccer season is in, and all those fall festivals, and, well, lot's of folks are just too busy and getting too tired of working in the lawn and are ready to throw in the trowel for the season. So, our garden stores and nursery will have wonderful fall sales to help "flip the light switch" in your mind that now is the time to be planting, even though you have every excuse in the world not to! Put better pricing together with the fact that the timing is at its best, and now you have no excuse for not investing your money in the best investment you can make landscaping! And whether you do it yourself, or have Natorp's Landscape Division do it for you, NOW'S THE TIME TO DO IT! (Call 398-4769 to schedule an appointment with one of our landscape designer / landscape investor professionals!)
Planting new trees, shrubs or perennials?Here's what we suggest:
1.)PINE SOIL CONDITIONER - Using the same soil you removed to dig the hole, amend it with our 'Pine Soil' Conditioner. -Adds organic matter
-Improves soil conditions -Lowers pH -Adds moisture retention, improves drainage and reduces root rot -Use it as a mulch so it helps reduce weeds, reatin even moisture, and presents a nice finished look to the planting. Also consider using "SweetPeet" the same way, or used together with the pine soil conditioner. 2.)BONIDE'S PLANT STARTER - When finished planting, water soil thoroughly, then finish with a feeding of 'Bonide's Plant Starter'. -Root stimulator -Helps reduce transplant shock -Easy to apply3.)TREEGATOR BAGS - A great way to water individual trees. -100% water absorption -Holds 20 gallons water -Reduces watering time -Helps retain even moisture levels4.)ROSS ROOT FEEDER - A great way to water and feed new or existing trees and shrubs. -Injects water (and fertilizer if used) directly into the soil where the roots are located -Use for spring or fall fertilizing, or to water during hot or dry periods.
[I would love to help you out. Which way did you come in?]
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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